What timeline are you participating in?


Some of you get the difference between awareness of something, and unconscious devoted attention to the sh*t you don’t want, twisted.

Don’t get it twisted.

When you’re constantly posting about the mainstream narratives under the facade of a meme and proclaiming you aren’t here for that timeline…

You’re participating in that timeline.
It is still you that is giving it attention.

Reality is a feedback loop that is informed by our state of being — thoughts, beliefs and emotions — consciously or unconsciously.

So, consciously or unconsciously, you’re choosing to participate in that timeline, under the illusion that it’s awareness.

That ain’t it.

Who are you trying to make aware?
Everything is you pushed out.

Are you having any fun?
Serious question.
It’s rhetorical.

Ask that in integrity with you and you.

What do you really want in your reality?
Why not focus on that?
Give that a whirl. For fun.

Let me know how it goes.

Big love,

Photos are excepts from VOL 01—a digital magazine series of the Script It & See It subscription.

PS: Want to dive deeper into the ways in which reality is a feedback loop that is informed by our state of being? Join the
Script It & See It subscription co-created and hosted by me, and masterful manifesting friend, Jodi Handrahan.



My peace is up to me.