My peace is up to me.


Awareness, acknowledgement. And then what?

The world is a mirror. And everything is me pushed out. And also. How I choose to respond and feel in every now moment, that’s up to me. Including my peace.

Especially, my peace.

I once saw a post reading…

“I am at peace when…”

Followed by a series of carousels naming never-ending scenarios pointing the finger outside of oneself as to why one may not feel peaceful.

It felt utterly disempowering.

I could have made a meme out of it, screenshot it and crossed out all of the justifications (because that’s what they are), and replaced them with “I decide”, “there, fixed it”.

Then I realized, why bother. Say what you want to say, and call it a day. End of story. So here goes.

I am at peace when… I decide.

Full stop. End of sentence.

I am reminded of an age old saying that you probably know well. One finger pointed at another, three pointed back at me.

This isn’t about dishonoring or suppressing feelings, experiences, or circumstance. Don’t get it twisted. Awareness, acknowledgement. And then what?

This is about recognizing how powerful YOU are, and how every now moment can be shifted BY YOU. No matter how subtle or swift.

So the next time you feel your peace has been disturbed, consider this:

What if I decide how this is going to go? How I am going to choose to feel?

Because you do decide.

I do decide.

You are the Operant Power.

I am the Operant Power.

My peace — it’s up to me.

Your peace — it’s up to you.

Are you willing?

Are you willing to decide that your peace is up to you? This and 100+ other self-inquiries plus journal prompts and practices in the Am I Willing? An Inquisitive Guidebook.



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