Your mind is the Garden of Eden


In every now moment, we have an opportunity to re-assess, clean-up, revise, re-route.

Your mind is the Garden of Eden.

YOU are the gardener.

YOU hold the pruning shears, just like YOU hold the pen to paper.

YOU decide what the response to your next now moment is going to look like.

YOU choose that.

YOU have the power to decide what does or does not take up space in your external reality to impress your subconscious mind.


How are you impressing your subconscious mind?

Ask yourself that.

And I mean in full integrity with yourself and who you say that you are.

And then.

Then tend to your very own Garden of Eden.

You choose your leap.

You write your own story.

You are the writer, editor, director and producer of your script.

You decide what is true for you.

So be willing to ask yourself again and again.

How are you tending to your mind? Your very own Garden of Eden?

It’s up to you.

And that includes your bounce-back rate.

“It is [your] duty to take this garden and really make it a garden by daily using the pruning shears of revision.” —Neville Goddard

One of my favorite reality creation tools is The Pruning Shears of Revision.

You get to revise. You get to do that. How wild and wonderful is that? How empowering is that, if you decide? Tend to your garden. No one else is going to for you.

For more on The Pruning Shears of Revision + other Neville and Neville-inspired practices, teachings and lectures, head this way.

For more daily musings on writing your story with radical self responsibility, let’s hang out on Instagram.



What if it’s not Virgo season, yet?