What if it’s not Virgo season, yet?

* True Sky LEO: August 7 to September 14 & VIRGO: September 15 to November 3

What if you were willing to release a narrative that you have been programmed to believe as true, in order to make space for your heart’s wildest expansion?

What if it wasn’t Virgo season, yet?

What if it wasn’t actually checklists and systems and structure created by society that we craved under the false pretence of ‘Virgo’ season?

What if we remembered that ‘back to school’ isn’t a season at all but a story made up as little as 200 hundred years ago, post Industrial Revolution, to program generations of children to behave a certain kind of way, and abandon their play?

What if we stopped viewing the ‘back to school’ nerves as something to get over or adjust to or heal? And rather, recognized that our little ones are tapped in and turned on to the truth that is our nature. Virgo rules our digestive systems and if we’re out of harmony with our nature, our bodies (aka bellies in this instance) will have a story to tell.

What if we considered that true sky might actually be true? And that the Sun is still in the depths of Leo season at the end of august and into September?

What if we considered that the Sun in the frequency of Leo’s constellation was an invitation for honouring our inner child, not forcing a system that is disharmonious with nature?

What if we considered that tropical astrology just so happens to perfectly suit a whole slew of narratives to condition a society?

What if what you’re seeing and hearing in mainstream astrology about the cosmos, doesn’t really feel resonant with your being? Why reach for something to fit a narrative? Why not turn all eyes inward and really ask: what does my being want me to know, right now? And play in that field.

We teach this time and time again in many spaces. Why are we letting it slide here and calling it something else?

We invite people to swim downstream when we’re playing in the spaces of Law of Assumption and Manifestation. If every now moment is truly a manifestation — and it is — why are we intentionally creating dissonance in the field by swimming upstream with a narrative that isn’t playing out in the sky?

When we are in harmony with nature, we are in greater harmony with ourselves.

What if you were willing to release a narrative that you have been programmed to believe as true, in order to make space for your heart’s wildest expansion?

What if?

Telling a new version of your story is a superpower. It can be uncomfortable and still aligned.

As my dear friend Jodi says often, ‘Are you willing to upgrade your model of understanding?’

“Man’s chief delusion is his conviction that there are causes other than his own state of consciousness.” —Neville Goddard

How willing are you to bless the old and choose presence with the new?

How willing are you to honour your inner child?

How willing are you to thank your inner child?

How willing are you to consider that play is our true nature?

It’s all you.



My peace is up to me.


Your mind is the Garden of Eden